Is Epidural technique using bupivacaine associated with morphine in a bitch submitted to ovariohysterectomy and excisional biopsy of a nodule in the vulva: Case report




anesthesia, local block, dog, epidural, ovariohysterectomy


Locoregional techniques are considered an increment for general anesthesia, since they promote efficient analgesia in the intraoperative period, resulting in a decrease in the dose of general anesthetics utilized, and of analgesic rescue in the postoperative period. This report aims to evaluate the effects of an anesthetic protocol, aiming to observe the physiological variables, duration and quality of anesthesia, in a bitch submitted to ovariohysterectomy and excisional biopsy of a nodule in the vulva, with acepromazine and methadone as premedication, propofol as the anesthesia inducing agent combined with epidural associations of bupivacaine-morphine. The patient was seen at the Veterinary Hospital with complaints of a nodule in the vulvar region with evolution of growth for 1 year. The patient was then referred to the surgery department for ovariohysterectomy and excisional biopsy of the nodule in the vulvar region. Therefore, it is concluded that the technique that uses morphine associated with bupivacaine is recommended for ovariohysterectomy and soft tissue surgery, as it presents nociceptive blockade, relaxation, and results in greater comfort for the animal during the trans- and post-operative periods.


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Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

Is Epidural technique using bupivacaine associated with morphine in a bitch submitted to ovariohysterectomy and excisional biopsy of a nodule in the vulva: Case report. (2023). Pubvet, 17(10), e1467.