Cannabidiol for pain control in small animals




cannabidiol, Cannabis sativa, phytocannabinoids, Small animals


Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience, unique to each individual, being influenced by biological and psychological factors. Due to the fact that pain is modulated by the endocannabinoid system, cannabinoids have been shown to be very efficient in its control and, with that, the interest in their use has increased a lot. To approach the therapeutic use of the compound cannabidiol originating from the plant of the Cannabaceae family for the control of pain in dogs and cats. The present work referred to a literature review and critical analysis of works searched electronically through databases such as Pubmed, Scielo, Google Scholar,, in textbooks and dissertations. It is the duty of the Veterinarian to alleviate the suffering of animals, taking away the sensation of pain, guaranteeing their comfort, well-being and quality of life. Pain can be classified according to its neurophysiology (nociceptive pain, non-nociceptive pain and cancer pain) and its duration (acute pain and chronic pain). Cannabidiol is a medication that can be used in different ways to control pain according to the needs of each patient. To understand how cannabis-based medications work, it is necessary to understand the endocannabinoid system and the constituents of cannabis. The SEC works only when needed and is composed of receptors, the endocannabinoids, which are synthesizer and degradative enzymes that, when they interact, trigger a series of chain reactions that can generate inhibitory and excitatory responses. Cannabis is made up of phytocannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids. The phytocannabinoids THC and CBD are the main drivers of the effects of Cannabis and the best known. The wide range of action of these compounds in the body shows how they can act effectively in a patient with pain. Pain is an experience that causes several physical and psychological problems to an individual, thus requiring the introduction of a treatment for its control. Cannabinoids are great when used to control it and can be used individually in the treatment or as a synergist with some medication or therapy, thus being a medication of great importance in Veterinary Medicine.


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Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

Cannabidiol for pain control in small animals. (2023). Pubvet, 17(11), e1477.

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