Use of local flaps in a subdermal pattern in dogs and cats




cicatrização, cirurgia reconstrutiva, feridas, flapes, oncologia


Skin flaps or flaps are skin segments partially removed from a donor tissue and mobilized to cover a nearby lesion, mainly due to trauma, oncological surgeries and correction of congenital anomalies. Unlike axial pattern flaps, the creation of subdermal flaps is based on the local vascularization of the skin through the subdermal plexus, which does not include a direct cutaneous vessel in its pedicle. The objective of this work was to address the correct use of each of the local subdermal flaps, highlighting their main particularities and starting from the principles of surgical planning, the importance of anatomical knowledge of the skin and the blood vessels that compose it, as well as the distribution of its tension lines. Knowledge of the wound healing process should be considered in reconstructive procedures for greater success in the approaches. The main postoperative complication in the use of these flaps is suture dehiscence, mostly caused by excessive tension on the edges of the wound. The described local subdermal flaps are advancement, rotation, transposition and interpolation.


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Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

Prado WO, Bertassoli BM. Use of local flaps in a subdermal pattern in dogs and cats. Pubvet [Internet]. 2023 Sep. 5 [cited 2025 Mar. 31];17(13):e1504. Available from: