Multiple hoof fractures in a water tiger (Trachemys dorbigni): case report


  • Brenda Martins dos Santos Centro Universitário do Cerrado
  • José Claudio Cavalcanti Siqueira Neto Centro Universitário do Cerrado
  • Marcella Caixeta Rosa Centro Universitário do Cerrado
  • Aline de Lima Silva Centro Universitário do Cerrado
  • Augusto de Oliveira Costa Centro Universitário do Cerrado
  • Maria Eduarda Oliveira França Centro Universitário do Cerrado
  • Juliana Barbara Silva Souza Centro Universitário do Cerrado
  • Nicolly Romão Barbosa Centro Universitário do Cerrado
  • Angelica Aparecida Mariano Centro Universitário do Cerrado
  • Marco Túlio Centro Universitário do Cerrado
  • Elza Alice de Quadros Centro Universitário do Cerrado



atropelamento, carapaça, plastrão, quelônios, tartaruga


Trachemys dorbigni, popularly known as the Brazilian water tiger, is distributed mainly in Uruguay, northeastern Argentina and southern Brazil, with higher incidence in Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina. However, it can be found in other regions of the country due to the release of this species as a pet. The objective of the work was to report a case of fracture reduction in a water tiger with multiple fragments as a result of trauma by being run over in the city of Patrocínio, MG. A water tiger was treated. The animal weighed 224 grams, was 2 years old and had been hit by a car. Multiple fractures were observed in the dorsal and ventral region of the hoof with opening of the coelomic cavity and exposure of organs. Radiographic examination of the animal's hoof was requested and the animal remained hospitalized until fracture reduction was performed. After initial stabilization of the patient, antibiotics were administered. The reduction of carapace fractures was performed through the implantation of plates and screws, where the hull was drilled using an orthopedic drill. The fragments were approximated and the waterproofing was done with epoxy resin. The first care for the water tiger, as well as the establishment of therapy to stabilize the patient, were of fundamental importance for the success of the treatment of fractures in the animal's carapace. In addition, the fracture reduction procedure achieved the desired result, with fracture consolidation and the animal's return to its routine.



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Animais silvestres

How to Cite

Multiple hoof fractures in a water tiger (Trachemys dorbigni): case report. (2023). Pubvet, 17(13), e1501.