Chronic Superficial Keratitis in a Pinscher: A Case Report


  • Nathalia Motta Braga Universidade Estadual de Londrina



cães, ceratite superficial cronica, córnea, oftalmologia, pannus


 Chronic superficial keratitis (CSK) is an inflammatory and progressive corneal disease that affects dogs, potentially leading to blindness. It is more common in certain breeds, particularly German Shepherds. Exposure to ultraviolet rays and high altitudes appears to be associated with the development of the disease. Clinical signs include fibrous proliferation in the temporal limbus, blood vessels advancing towards the central cornea, and corneal pigmentation. The immunomediated basis of the disease is supported by histopathological features and response to topical immunosuppressive treatment. Diagnosis is based on clinical examination, breed predisposition, and response to treatment. In this report, the objective was to describe a case of chronic superficial keratitis in a Pinscher with clinical characteristics different from those found in the literature.


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Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

Braga NM. Chronic Superficial Keratitis in a Pinscher: A Case Report. Pubvet [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 17 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];17(06):e1410. Available from: