Acute renal failure secondary to esophageal obstruction in a pony: Case report




dehydration, equidae, pony, renal failure


Esophageal obstruction is the most common esophageal pathology in horses, and the time of diagnosis and treatment can significantly affect the prognosis of this condition, since it is always associated with failure of water intake and dehydration, which leads to hemodynamic imbalance and, with the worsening of the condition, to acute renal failure due to the decrease in renal blood flow. This paper aims to report the case of a pony, treated at the Veterinary Hospital of the University of Franca, presenting primary esophageal obstruction for a prolonged period of time and consecutive severe dehydration that resulted in acute renal failure, evidenced by the decrease of the urine production, signs of encephalopathy caused by accentuated azotemia, and necroscopic findings including nephritis, tubular necrosis, and diffuse corticomedullary inflammatory infiltrate. This work also aims to underline the severity of both pathologies, the need for quick intervention in cases of esophageal obstruction and the complexity of renal failure in horses.

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Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

Acute renal failure secondary to esophageal obstruction in a pony: Case report. (2023). Pubvet, 17(05), e1382.

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