Diagnostic and therapeutic management for linear foreign body in a cat: Case report


  • Renata Fernanda Batista Bernardo Centro Universitário do Norte de São Paulo
  • Giovanna Rossi Varallo Centro Universitário do Norte de São Paulo
  • Roselene Nunes da Silveira Centro Universitário do Norte de São Paulo




Enterectomy, enterotomy, feline, gastrostomy


Foreign bodies (FB) in the gastrointestinal tract are a frequent problem in the physiological routine of small animals, especially in cubs. In domestic cats, the diagnosis of linear FBs is recurrent, can cause several serious complications, and can progress onto death. The diagnosis is confirmed through history, clinical, laboratory and imaging findings or, in certain situations, by exploratory celiotomy. The treatment can be infectious, through gastrotomy, enterotomy and/or enterectomy. This report aims to describe the diagnostic and therapeutic approach in a cat with linear FB. The patient was treated with a surgical procedure, performed with techniques of gastrotomy, enterectomy of a segment of the small intestine, and enterotomy to remove the string. The patient recovered well and was discharged.


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Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

Bernardo RFB, Varallo GR, Silveira RN da. Diagnostic and therapeutic management for linear foreign body in a cat: Case report. Pubvet [Internet]. 2023 Feb. 4 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];17(01):e1334. Available from: https://ojs.pubvet.com.br/index.php/revista/article/view/2984