Urolithiasis in pig: Case report


  • Isabela Marcondes Centro Universitário Nossa Senhora do Patrocínio
  • Natalia Rodrigues Centro Universitário Nossa Senhora do Patrocínio
  • Enore Augusto Massoni Centro Universitário Nossa Senhora do Patrocínio
  • Fabiana Merida Centro Universitário Nossa Senhora do Patrocínio
  • Leslie Maria Domingues Centro Universitário Nossa Senhora do Patrocínio




Mini pig, penectomy, rectal prolapse, swine, urolithiasis


Urolithiasis is a pathological process that is characterized by the presence of stones or concretions in the urinary system, which can affect any and all species of animal. The present study consists of a case report involving a mini pig breed, diagnosed with non-obstructive urolithiasis and who underwent surgical intervention for the invasive treatment of the condition. The materials and methods include tests and statements related to the patient's treatment stages, ranging from laboratory tests to the postoperative period. The results showed that there was a possibility of the patient evolving into an obstructive urolithiasis, with a penectomy being the ideal surgical procedure for the treatment of the swine. Furthermore, the study supports the discussion of the use of surgical techniques in small to non-conventional animals, enriching it based on the medical-veterinary literature available on urolithiasis in swine, and filling gaps about the knowledge of this phenomenon, including the interventions, protocols adopted, drugs administered and other processes and procedures for rehabilitation. The conclusions reached identified the need to carry out future studies on urolithiasis in swine, given a general lack of publications in the national and international scientific literature on this phenomenon.


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Medicina veterinária