Idiopathic epilepsy in dogs: News treatments and impacts on animals and tutors


  • Franciele Taiza Borges do Nascimento Universidade Estadual de Goiás
  • Gabriela de Castro Freitas Universidade Estadual de Goiás
  • Vitória Menezes Oliveira Universidade Estadual de Goiás
  • Thais Miranda Silva Freitas Silva Freitas Universidade Estadual de Goiás



Convulsive crisis, anticonvulsant drugs, GABA, reduction


A seizure is the clinical manifestation of abnormal electrical activity of the brain - it is any non-specific event. Epilepsy refers to multiple seizures that occur over a long period of time. Conceptualizing and understanding how epilepsy influences the well-being of dogs in their daily lives is the objective of this work, which has as its methodology research in veterinary journals, articles on epilepsy in dogs and university studies on the subject. We hope, with this review, to denote new forms of treatment and future diagnoses.


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Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

Idiopathic epilepsy in dogs: News treatments and impacts on animals and tutors. (2022). Pubvet, 16(11).