Evaluation of macrociclics lactones on naturally infected cattles by gastrintestinal helminthes in sertão paraibano.


  • Maria do Socorro Cordeiro Silva



antihelminthic resistance, moxidectina, ivermectina, doamectina, semi-arid


The objective was evaluate macrociclics lactones effectiveness on gastrintestinal helminthes of cattle, in Patos – PB municipal district. Forty eight females cattles (24 SPRD and 24 Sindi), with age being 15 and 22 months, were used. Each race was divided in four groups: moxidectina (1%), ivermectina (1%) and doramectina (1%), in the dosage of 200 mcg/kg of body weight. It was used the (RCOF) and farming larva, to evaluate the resistance. The moxidectina presented an effective action on the gastrintestinal nematodes of cattles SPRD Sindi; the ivermectina and the doramectina presented lines of resistence. In the larva culture, Haemonchus was the most prevalent genus after the treatments.



How to Cite

Evaluation of macrociclics lactones on naturally infected cattles by gastrintestinal helminthes in sertão paraibano. (2021). Pubvet, 3(10). https://ojs.pubvet.com.br/index.php/revista/article/view/2698