Evaluation of the weight gain on the helminths control in sheeps treated with homeopathy


  • Jerônimo Pimenta Neto



Homeopathy, nematodes gastrintestinals, hematócrito, Haemonchus, sheeps.


Infections for nematodes gastrintestinals cause significant damages to the production of small ruminant, where the intensification productive process tends to worsen the effects of the parasitoses. The easy access of the producer the anthelminthic ones, ally to the lack of professional orientation, it has been taking to the indiscriminate use of these fármacos, consequently, the parasitic resistance, reducing the effectiveness of the treatment. This context increases the importance of the alternative control basing on the use of homoeopathic medicine, where the effectiveness of the homoeopathic product related to the weight earnings was evaluated in the helminths control and use of the hematócrito to analyze the degree of infestation of the helminths. This work had as objective evaluates the effect of the homoeopathic medicine (Fator Vermes®, Arenales) in the earnings of weight of animals infested by nematodes being used the hematócrito to identify the degree of infestation of nematodes gastrintestinals. The experiment was accomplished at the Haras BS, in the municipal district of Green Rio - GO, in the period of February to September of 2008. 30 borregas was used, with medium weight from 25 to 30 Kg. Divided in two groups: group control - they received vermifuge alopático orally, to the base of Moxidectina to 0,2% (Cydectin, Fort Dodge) in the dose of 0,2 mg/kg of Corporal Weight. The group treatment: he/she received the homoeopathic medicine orally mixed to the mineral salt, ad libitum, according to the manufacturer's recommendation, 1,6 grams/head/day. The variables analyzed monthly were won of weight and hematócrito. In agreement with the results of the variance analysis for Fischer's test, in the weight earnings and in the hematócrito there was not significant difference between the groups control and treatments. Comparing the animals treated with homeopathy with the non treaties, it was observed that there was not difference among the earnings of weight of the animals, but the animals treaties with homeopathy produced meat with better quality. As for the hematócrito, it was shown effective, because the found results were equivalent at the level of presented infestation.





Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

Evaluation of the weight gain on the helminths control in sheeps treated with homeopathy. (2015). Pubvet, 4(09). https://ojs.pubvet.com.br/index.php/revista/article/view/2633