Chemical and sensorial characteristics of the bovine meat


  • Cristiana Andrighetto
  • André Mendes Jorge
  • Maurício Dominguez Nasser
  • Sirlei Aparecida Maestá
  • Érico Rodrigues
  • Caroline Lima Francisco



meat, nutritive value, organoleptics characteristics


The objective of this work was to discuss the chemical and sensorial characteristics of the bovine meat. According to chemical composition, the meat may be considered as a product of high protein, with digestibility between 95 to 100%, it contained all the hydrosoluble and liposoluble B complex vitamins of, and it is an expressive source of iron and zinc. There was a large variation in the percentage of lipids in the meat, with values between 1,5 a 13% and the caloric value depended on the fat percentage. The sensorial attributes were tenderness, color, juiceness and flavor. The tenderness and color are relevant characteristics when the consumer decided to buy meat, followed by juiceness defined by the moisture tasted in the first chew moviments, and the flavor that are related to volatile compounds produced in the meat prepare. The bovine meat is characterized as a kind food with an excellent nutritional value, and to be attractive to consumers it should have a good organoleptics characteristics like red brilliant color, tenderness, juiceness, consistency and flavor.





Tecnologia de alimentos

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