Conformation frigorific, body condition score and ultrasound


  • Cláudia Regina Mendonça Andrade



The following work shows that the choice of objectives and criteria to be adopted for the evaluation and selection of superior animals, one must first have knowledge of the structure available for its conduct, data collection, and finally, the use the information generated in the process of selection and / or establishment of mating plans. The measurements can be recommended both quantitative, for example, weights and gains or qualitative, resulting in scores assigned to individual animals as they present themselves, for example, the composition of the progeny or cold the body condition of the mother at birth or weaning. Interestingly, not only the quantity but the quality of data collected is very important to achieve success, and also the greater the volume of data, and they characterized as of good quality, the greater the likelihood of identifying individuals prospective parents of future generations.





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