Pyonephrosis following ovariohysterectomy in a bitch: Case report
Dogs, infection, surgeryAbstract
Pyonephrosis is a phenomenon characterized by fulfillment of the kidney pelvis, calixes and ureter purulent exudate. Clinical manifestations are variable and traditionally diagnosis is given by data found in clinical examination e ultrasound findings. The aim of this paper is to report a clinical case of pyonephrosis following ovariohysterectomy in a bitch occurred in Pará state, Brazil. Patient have had surgery previously dating a year ago, hypophagia, apathy, distension and abdominal pain associated with ascites, pale mucous membranes and an increased size of palpable lymphonodes. Complete blood count, seric biochemical variables, abdominal ultrasound and analysis of cavity fluid showed exudative abdominal effusion and hydronephrosis. Antibiotics, analgesics and hepatoprotective therapy were instituted and both, new blood count analyzes and abdominal ultrasound were performed after the treatment period, which revealed worsening of renal condition. According to clinical manifestations and laboratorial results, the patient was referred to right unilateral nephrectomy and progressed well clinically until the 4th postoperative day, when she suddenly evolved to death. This is the first report to describe the condition in the northern region of the country and in addition to demonstrating the importance of careful identification of anatomical structures during the surgical procedure, it also reinforces the need to select properly a qualified veterinary professional to perform the procedure, in order to prevent undesirable postoperative events.
Copyright (c) 2021 Tamires Victoria Silva Natividade, André Marcelo Conceição Meneses
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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