Artificial inseminatiam in fixe time


  • Kleber da Cunha Peixoto Junior
  • Yessica Trigo



AIFT, pregnancy rate, estrus, cattle


The artificial insemination in fixed time (AIFT) is in a reproductive biotechnology that aims to increase reproductive efficiency of livestock by means of induction and synchronization of ovulation in females by hormonal protocols. The objective of this study was to review the literature on the AIFT, the origin, the advantages and limitations, types of protocols and results. In Brazil, this technology was first used in the early 70s, with the opening of the first insemination centers. Displays average pregnancy rate that is around 50% for each AIFT, reaching 60%, and with great nutritional properties, health and reproductive management up to 70%. The main advantages of AIFT are the realization of insemination marked with day and time , elimination of heat detection , insemination mothers from 60 days after delivery , induction of cyclicity in anestrous cows , reduced calving interval, possibility high pregnancy rates at the beginning of the breeding season , among others . Most problems that interfere with the results of AIFT are related to when and management of artificial insemination, the application of hormones used in protocols in quantity and exact time and technical quality of the responsibility for the program. To have good calf production, the choice of sperm is critical. Thus, we can conclude that the use of AIFT correctly by trained professionals can raise the production of meat and/or milk from the property.





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