Biochemical characterization of healthy bovine peritoneal fluid
Biochemical, bovine Nellore, normal range, peritoneal fluidAbstract
The aim of this study was to establish the reference intervals for different analytes in peritoneal fluid from Nellore cattle. Samples of the liquid were collected from 50 males and 50 females, from a slaughterhouse in central Brazil. The determination of albumin concentrations; total calcium; Chlorine; alkaline phosphatase; glucose; Potassium; Lactate; Sodium; total protein was carried out in automatic equipment. Values such as A: G ratio: albumin: globulin ratio were performed using mathematical calculation. This is the first description of the reference range of peritoneal fluid in Nellore cattle. The sample size and data distribution indicate that the mean values obtained are representative and can be used for the diagnosis of diseases in this population stratum.
Copyright (c) 2021 Polyana Mayume Pereira da Silva, Gustavo Gomes de Oliveira, Kelly Cristina da Silva Godoy, Fernando Batista Arévalo, Alda Izabel de Souza

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