Methods of diagnosis of endometritis in mares


  • Miguel Alejandro Rua universidade estadual do norte fluminense
  • Celia Raquel Quirino
  • Aylton Bartholazzi Junior
  • Marcus Antônio Peçanha Barreto



horses, pathology, reproduction, uterus


The aim of this review is discuss about the importance of the diagnostic examination for uterine affections as endometritis and endometrosis in order to improve the results in equine breeding programs. Endometritis is a pathology that leads to a great loss in horses creation. This uterine disease affect mares in all different ages and in all reproductive category. There are mares more susceptible as well as situations that provides increase the occurrence of this pathology. The horse industry is increasing constantly and there are necessity of researches about the best solutions of some reproductive problems in order to increase the reproductive efficiency of mares submitted to reproductive technologies as artificial insemination and embryo transfer. The diagnoses of endometritis through exams as uterine cytology, microbiology examination of intrauterine samples and mainly histopathology examination by uterine biopsy clarify some doubts about embryo donor and recipients problems as low embryo recovery rates and high embryo loss rates. This diagnosis methods aid the recipient mare choice, considering this mares very important in the embryo transfer results. Some treatments are also discuss as well as new perspectives. The three diagnosis discussed in this review are efficient, but different among them, though used in conjunction increase the accuracy of the results. Therefore, the utilization of this diagnosis is necessary in the reproduction assessment examination of mares donors and recipient of embryos in order to increase the equine reproductive efficiency.





Medicina veterinária

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