Amputation successful in radiocarpal joint of domestic pigeon (Columba livia): Report a case


  • ÍTALO SENA CARVALHO Médico Veterinário autônomo, Graduado pela Universidade Federal do Piauí-UFPI-Campus Professora Cinobelina Elvas-Bom Jesus-PI, Brasil
  • Ítalo Sena Carvalho Médico Veterinário autônomo, Graduado pela Universidade Federal do Piauí-UFPI-Campus Professora Cinobelina Elvas-Bom Jesus-PI, Brasil
  • Demétrio Pereira de Sousa Filho Médico Veterinário autônomo, Graduado pela Universidade Federal do Piauí-UFPI-Campus Professora Cinobelina Elvas-Bom Jesus-PI, Brasil
  • Robson dos Anjos Honorato Universidade Federal do Piauí-UFPI, Campus Ministro Petrônio Portela.



birds, fracture radiocarpal, blood count


A domestic pigeon (Columba livia), male, weighing 200 grams was attended at the CMV-SAÚDE Veterinary Medical Clinic (Santa Maria-DF), which was rescued by an elderly couple who observed that it could not take flight. Physical examination revealed an exposed fracture in the distal portion of the metacarpal III, with a marked inflammatory process and a high degree of tissue necrosis. Due to the degree of tissue necrosis and infection at the fracture site, it was not possible to perform any osteosynthesis technique. Therefore, the therapeutic approach adopted was the low amputation in the radiocarpal joint. Such conduct was the ideal treatment to relieve pain and restore the animal's well-being.





Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

Amputation successful in radiocarpal joint of domestic pigeon (Columba livia): Report a case. (2017). Pubvet, 11(05).