Development and zoometry of young dairy goats from different genetic groups
Arid conditions, biometric measurements, exotic groups, goat breedingAbstract
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the genetic group on the development and zoometry of young dairy goats. The study was developed in the municipality of Coité do Nóia, AL. It was used measuring 166 goats kids Saanen, Toggenburg, Alpina Americana, Parda Alpina, Murciana and mixed breed animals (NDRP). After weaning (60 days), and every 21 days, up to 144 days of age, the animals were weighed and the following zoometric measures: body length, thoracic perimeter, height of the withers, height of the rump, breast width, croup width, croup length and scrotal perimeter. The results were evaluated through the analysis of variance and the mean was tested by the Tukey test at 5% probability. The effect of age on the zoommetry was evaluated by regression analysis. There was no effect (P > 0.05) on the interaction between genetic group and age. In relation to the influence of the genetic group on the zoometry, there was a difference, in which the groups Parda Alpina and NDRP presented higher averages (P < 0.01) to the other groups evaluated for body length (51.6 cm, 50.6 cm), croup height (52.7 cm, 52.5 cm), croup width (10.0 cm, 10.1 cm) and scrotal perimeter (12.7 cm, 13.3 cm). For the genus, females presented a mean superior to males only for body length (49.68 cm). The genetic group, the genus and the age are factors that influence the development and the zoometry of young dairy goats.
Copyright (c) 2018 Leandro Santos e Silva, Darlan Silva dos Santos, Edneide Rodrigues da Silva, Jordânia Kely Barbosa da Silva, Gislaine Alexandrino da Silva, Gisele Maria Nunes Vieira, Greicy Mitzi Bezerra Moreno

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