Relevant aspects in the commercial production of bovine embryos through the biotechnological technique of in vitro fertilization: Review


  • Yago Barbosa UFPI
  • Anselmo Alves Lustosa Universidade Federal do Piauí.
  • Nayla Andrade Barboza Universidade Federal do Piauí.
  • Pamela Karoliny Oliveira Rodrigues Faculdade Mauricio de Nassau
  • Francisco da Chagas Ribeiro Magalhães Neto Universidade Federal do Piauí.



production, embryos, receptor


The national economy has undergone numerous changes in recent decades in the livestock sector, such changes are related to the development and commercial application o reproductive biotechnologies to increase the speed with which genetic improvement is being realized as a highlight and the technique of In vitro fertilization and available formation wide technology, and has been widely used. Being a recent biotech in vitro production of embryos aims to obtain embryos outside their productive tract of the female for it are a few steps as in vitro maturation of oocytes, in vitro fertilization, and cultivation in vitro. The identification and selection of recipients of high quality are not simple and has relevance to the success of the activity. Several studies have reported variables that influence the result of the synchronization of recipients. From this study believed to be that Brazil will continue to lead in the production of in vitro embryos and will provide the genetic increasingly interested countries.





Reprodução animal

How to Cite

Relevant aspects in the commercial production of bovine embryos through the biotechnological technique of in vitro fertilization: Review. (2018). Pubvet, 12(03).