Use of protected fat on feed of ruminants


  • Renata Nayhara de Lima



To meet the energy needs and ensure the productive performance of ruminants, it is necessary to ensure adequate energy intake. An important characteristic of fat is its high energy value, provide more energy than carbohydrates. The lipids used in the feed increases the capacity for absorption of liposoluble vitamins and have physical, chemical and physiological which are important in food processing, in animal nutrition and provides enhanced palatability. However, undesirable levels in the diet can cause problems in the rumen of the animal. Thus the use of protected fat has no effect on the absorption of nutrients, does not cause a reduction in the digestibility, since the same is intact in the rumen normal levels of pH and is metabolized in the intestine where there is a better utilization. The use of this alternative energy source is increasing and bringing good results to producers, improving reproductive and productive traits.





Produção animal

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