Homeopathic treatment for aural hematoma in cat: Case report





Aural hematoma, homeopathy, therapy


Aural hematoma is defined by the accumulation of serosanguineous fluid within the ear pinna in small animals, typically stemming from traumatic incidents. Inadequate treatment may lead to recurring episodes and structural deformities in the patient's ear. In veterinary clinical practice, this condition exhibits a high incidence among dogs, but is relatively rare in cats. Conventional treatments employed for the physiological and aesthetic restoration of the affected area are typically invasive and often entail significant costs. Therefore, this article aims to present a case study involving a 15-year-old female mixed-breed feline diagnosed with an aural hematoma. The patient had previously undergone various forms of conventional treatment, none of which proved successful. Thus, a complementary treatment approach utilizing oral homeopathy was selected, as it represented the sole available option at that particular juncture. The homeopathic medicines were selected according to the law of similars. The treatment consisted of the following medications: Arsenicum album 30CH; Bellis perennis 30CH and Rhus Toxicodendron 30CH. After 20 days of treatment, the animal exhibited an ear pinna devoid of fluid accumulation and recurrence. The ear pinna was in excellent condition, except for the presence of scars along the ear, resulting in a residual deformation. Hence, homeopathic therapy holds significant promise as a therapeutic modality for managing aural hematomas in cats, obviating the necessity for invasive procedures. Under this perspective, this article represents one of the initial reports documenting such a treatment approach in feline cases.


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Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

Homeopathic treatment for aural hematoma in cat: Case report. (2023). Pubvet, 17(12), e1500. https://doi.org/10.31533/pubvet.v17n12e1500

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