Prevalence of strongyles in wild birds of the Caatinga


  • Lara Carvalho Alves de Sousa Universidade de Salvador
  • Janis Cumming Hohlenwerger Universidade de Salvador
  • Thiago Filadelfo Miranda Coorientador e Mestre em Ecologia, Salvador
  • João Vítor Gonçalves de Oliveira Centro Universitário Católica do Leste de Minas



Endoparasites, gastrointestinal, free-living


Highlighted by its particular diversity, the Brazilian avifauna constitutes a vast field of research and is still permeated with gaps that require further exploratory studies, notably in terms of the biology of this group. The present work aimed to investigate gastrointestinal endoparasites in free-living wild birds of the caatinga through the microscopic analysis of direct smears of feces, seeking to identify the prevalence of strongyles among the parasites identified in the samples. This resulted in 111 slides analyzed, 44 positive for Strongyloides spp.


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How to Cite

Prevalence of strongyles in wild birds of the Caatinga. (2023). Pubvet, 17(03), e1355.